Friday, October 06, 2006

Why Blog ??

 Honestly, i've been thinking about why i've addicted blogging in the last few days. Blogger - it does make for a nice way to let my friends know what's going on in my daily life, it's an unique forum for me to dump all my 'random' thoughts out on the keyboard. i'd few friends told me that they've read all my entries last few days ;-) **smile** 

At first, i've been struggled with how much privacy related stuff to let out, just like an open book without cover? Those friends who know me well, they all know that i hate to share my deepest thoughts to anyone, it's not mean that i wish to be secretive or not trust to any friends besides me, i rather keep all those things to myself, just simply that i felt insecure and unconfortable if i shown my inner self to others, i dislike the kind of feeling being read and observe, i hate the feelings that others use their 'own' mind to judge my personality and guess what's inside my mind which i assure that they'll be wrong definitey! lol.

Therefore, my dear friends do listen here : i'll only share out the funniest jokes and general stuff which had happened in my daily life toward myself, my family and friends but not something that others' privacy or something that could spoil others' reputation!! **promise** I'll only share out my 'random' thoughts with u guys but definitely NOT my 'deepest' thoughts, ok? Never ever try to predict who am i as i've a whirl of thoughts that you guys could never reach my **sigh** Trust me, i am rational idiot ~ lol. i've a concept of what should be share out public and what should keep it private~ lol.

On my previous posts, i willing to shared with my friends about my daily life and those 'random' thoughts on my mind becasue i knew it helps my friends feel connected with what's i'm going on and i also can organize my own thoughts and see if it prompts a discussion. Jenn and shah said to me that writing blog was to write whatever i felt like to write. ;-) i still use their advise everytime i write a new post!! I don;t care the structure or the grammar, or whether it worth to read, becasue it is such a pain to think about all those stuff. Those friends know me very well know that i've a habit of write my 'Diary' since i was 20 yrs old, writing 'diary' or blog is kind of relax activity, for me ;-)

I noticed that a lot of friends visits to my blog but they never leave their comment/ suggestion ;-( some friends might not leave comment/suggestion that often! lol. anyway, all my chicks and dudes, all comments/suggestions are highly appreciated and cherishable, just feel free to post them!! **hugz**

*** the above post had been wrote last night after back from supper with my friends, just that i've spent most of my time to read e-news and msn chatted wit kim till i forgot to publish it. your bad - kim!!! and believe? i 've fall asleep at 1am, it's miracle for me!! lol.



Dovern® said...

you are really a blogger, can write so much here... haha... keep it up girl :)

Anonymous said...

chick, i more prefer to read ur deep thoughts!!! lol.


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